
Friday, December 27, 2013

New Friday P-day

I finished the Book of Mormon today! it was so awesome! Our instrutors are taking us to a chuhasceria today can´t wait. Five more days till we sair do CTM. The internet still only works in one area of the CTM. Me and Elder Lincoln are working hard on speaking only portugues and we´re doing fantastic minimal errors. Not much to talk about. Natal was awesome we had two amazing devotionals. Played Volleyball for two hours. We had an amazing lunch but dinner was fake pizza again. The instructors told us the food sucks in the ctm to them too so pretty excited to get in the field. Super tired this week but working hard and reeping the rewards of the field. It only gets hotter each day but it´s so worth it. Give another update on everyone this week. We get one more p-day before we leave. Hope everyone´s doing great, love you all.
Com abrasos
Elder Menendez

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